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Spacescope’s Filecoin API empowers software developers, researchers, and analysts to tap into Filecoin’s open network data, available in real-time and historically.

Endpoint Overview

The endpoints provisioned in the Spacescope Filecoin Data API are divided into several categories: Power, Economics, Deals, Gas, Circulating Supply, Network User, Storage Provider, and FVM.

Endpoint CategoryDescription
/v2/power/*Endpoints that return data on storage capacity and storage service state of the Filecoin Network.
/v2/economics/*Endpoints that return data on sector economics and block rewards of the Filecoin Network.
/v2/deals/*Endpoints that return data on market demands and storage deal states of the Filecoin Network.
/v2/gas/*Endpoints that return data related to network usage and network fees of the Filecoin Network.
/v2/circulating_supply/*Endpoints that return data of token circulating supply on the Filecoin Network.
/v2/network_user/*Endpoints that return data of population information on the Filecoin Network’s various network users or participants.
/v2/storage_provider/*Endpoints that return data on the storage providers (also known as miners) in Filecoin Network, including rewards, balance, power, deals, gas, sectors, etc.
/v2/fvm/*Endpoints that return data on Filecoin Virtual Machine smart contracts, including contracts, total value locked, gas usage, etc.