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Information on the Filecoin Network usage and transaction fees of storage providers.

Network Fee


The cumulative network fees on the Filecoin Network of the storage providers.

Request URL

GET: /storage_provider/gas/network_fee

Request Parameters

state_dateSTRINGSelected date (Optional).2022-10-01If no state_date is input, returns data for the most recent date available.
miner_idSTRINGSelected ID of the miner (Optional).f0110804Returns data for all miners if no miner_id is input.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
miner_idSTRINGUnique ID of the storage provider.
base_tx_feeNUMERICThe cumulative amount in attoFIL burned as base fee (including batch fee) by the storage provider.
over_estimation_burnNUMERICThe cumulative amount in attoFIL burned as overestimation burn by the storage provider.
batch_feeNUMERICThe cumulative amount in attoFIL burned as PreCommit or ProveCommit Batch Fee by the storage provider.
miner_tipNUMERICThe cumulative amount in attoFIL the storage provider has received for executing blockchain messages.
windowpost_gas_feeNUMERICThe cumulative amount in attoFIL of SubmitWindowedPoSt fees paid by the storage provider.

Response Example

"request_id": "ba4422cc-734f-4d90-84ec-7ad0b3ef01e7#9386",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-10-01T00:00:00Z",
"miner_id": "f0110804",
"base_tx_fee": 47228695283248200000,
"over_estimation_burn": 1796081099387420000,
"batch_fee": 121889072988415000,
"miner_tip": 39787691947019300,
"windowpost_gas_fee": 9542759841359370000

Commit Fee


The cumulative sector onboarding fees on the Filecoin Network of the storage providers.

Request URL

GET: /storage_provider/gas/commit_fee

Request Parameters

state_dateSTRINGSelected date (Optional).2022-10-01If no state_date is input, returns data for the most recent date available.
miner_idSTRINGSelected ID of the miner (Optional).f0110804Returns data for all miners if no miner_id is input.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
miner_idSTRINGUnique ID of the storage provider.
total_sealing_gas_feeNUMERICCumulative gas fee in attoFIL paid by the storage provider for sealing sectors.
precommit_gas_feeNUMERICCumulative gas fee in attoFIL paid by the storage provider for using the PreCommitSector method.
precommit_batch_gas_feeNUMERICCumulative gas fee in attoFIL paid by the storage provider for using the PreCommitSectorBatch method.
precommit_batch_feeNUMERICCumulative gas fee in attoFIL paid by the storage provider for PreCommit batching.
provecommit_gas_feeNUMERICCumulative gas fee in attoFIL paid by the storage provider for using the ProveCommitSector method.
provecommit_batch_gas_feeNUMERICCumulative gas fee in attoFIL paid by the storage provider for using the ProveCommitAggregate method.
provecommit_batch_feeNUMERICCumulative gas fee in attoFIL paid by the storage provider for ProveCommit batching.

Response Example

"request_id": "ba4422cc-734f-4d90-84ec-7ad0b3ef01e7#9387",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-10-01T00:00:00Z",
"miner_id": "f0110804",
"total_sealing_gas_fee": 37190972268440900000,
"precommit_gas_fee": 4394199519109190000,
"precommit_batch_gas_fee": 877725315364231000,
"precommit_batch_fee": 121889072988415000,
"provecommit_gas_fee": 31797158360979000000,
"provecommit_batch_gas_fee": 0,
"provecommit_batch_fee": 0