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Circulating Supply

Circulating supply provides information on the Filecoin Network’s protocol token circulating supply and its breakdown.

FIL Protocol Circulating Supply


The total amount and the change of FIL tokens in circulation according to the Protocol’s definition.

Request URL

GET: /circulating_supply/circulating_supply

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.

The difference between end_date and start_date should be smaller than 90 days.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
circulating_filNUMERICThe amount of FIL circulating and tradeable in the economy.
mined_filNUMERICThe amount of FIL that has been mined by storage miners.
vested_filNUMERICTotal amount of FIL that is vested from genesis allocation.
reserve_disbursed_filNUMERICThe amount of FIL that has been disbursed from the mining reserve.
locked_filNUMERICThe amount of FIL locked as part of initial pledge, deal pledge, locked rewards, and other locking mechanisms.
burnt_filNUMERICThe amount of FIL burned as part of on-chain computations and penalties.

Response Example

"request_id": "4e14a4aa-2368-4029-a660-5a883c0c29f1#666",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"circulating_fil": 316590544.83518726,
"mined_fil": 198962164.329669,
"vested_fil": 267759227.86305127,
"reserve_disbursed_fil": 17066618.96177341,
"locked_fil": 136018723.96866196,
"burnt_fil": 31178742.350644458

Locked FIL Breakdown


The breakdown of FIL tokens locked on the Filecoin Network.

Request URL

GET: /circulating_supply/network_locked_fil_breakdown

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.

The difference between end_date and start_date should be smaller than 90 days.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
total_initial_pledgeNUMERICThe total active initial pledge on the Filecoin Network.
total_locked_fundsNUMERICThe total active locked funds on the Filecoin Network.
new_initial_pledgeNUMERICThe number of new initial pledges to the Filecoin Network in the last 24 hours.
new_reward_lockedNUMERICThe number of new rewards locked in the Filecoin Network in the last 24 hours.
new_reward_releasedNUMERICThe new locked rewards less the increase in total locked funds in the last 24 hours.
sp_deal_collateral_changeNUMERICThe change in deal collateral committed by storage providers in the last 24 hours.

Response Example

"request_id": "4e14a4aa-2368-4029-a660-5a883c0c29f1#666",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"total_initial_pledge": 115655615.67550927,
"total_locked_funds": 20338541.578073677,
"new_initial_pledge": 104187.91617693826,
"new_reward_locked": 217603.8203024527,
"new_reward_released": 227465.61821696066,
"sp_deal_collateral_change": 5863.12853187416