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Power provides information on the Filecoin Network’s data storage capacity, storage service states, and storage onboarding status.

Network Storage Capacity


The Filecoin Network’s storage capacity, presented in Raw Byte (RB) and Quality-Adjusted (QA) Power.

Request URL

GET: /power/network_storage_capacity

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.

The difference between end_date and start_date should be smaller than 90 days.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
total_qa_bytes_powerNUMERICThis parameter measures the consensus power of stored data on the network and is equal to Raw Byte Power multiplied by the average Sector Quality Multiplier of the network.
total_raw_bytes_powerNUMERICThis measurement is the total size of the network’s storage capacity (with no adjustment) in bytes.
baseline_powerNUMERICThe baseline power targeted by the network in bytes.

Response Example

"request_id": "4e14a4aa-2368-4029-a660-5a883c0c29f1#606",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"total_qa_bytes_power": 20431876696867700000,
"total_raw_bytes_power": 19307467099059780000,
"baseline_power": 10430930206272310000

Storage State


Storage state based on active, faulty, terminated or recovered sectors.

Request URL

GET: /power/storage_state

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.

The difference between end_date and start_date should be smaller than 90 days.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
active_fault_rbpNUMERICThe total raw bytes storage power in TiB of outstanding faulted sectors that are not recovered or terminated.
avg_days_active_faultNUMERICAverage days that a sector fault remains active on the Filecoin Network during the past 24 hours.
daily_new_fault_rbpNUMERICDaily new faulted sector raw bytes power in TiB.
daily_new_recover_rbpNUMERICDaily new recovered sector raw bytes power in TiB.
daily_new_terminate_rbpNUMERICDaily new terminated sector raw bytes power in TiB.
daily_new_active_terminate_rbpNUMERICDaily raw bytes power in TiB of sectors that are terminated actively by SPs.
daily_new_passive_terminate_rbpNUMERICDaily raw bytes power in TiB of sectors that are terminated passively after 42 days in fault.
daily_new_extend_rbpNUMERICDaily raw bytes power in TiB of sectors that are extended.
daily_new_extend_qapNUMERICDaily quality-adjusted power in TiB of Sectors that are extended.

Response Example

"request_id": "3c9078ba-dd89-4b0b-84ce-4035964eac3b#616",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"active_fault_rbp": 99965.5,
"avg_days_active_fault": 4.88184400559016,
"daily_new_fault_rbp": 61826.15625,
"daily_new_recover_rbp": 52422.6875,
"daily_new_terminate_rbp": 367.0625,
"daily_new_active_terminate_rbp": 366.78125,
"daily_new_passive_terminate_rbp": 0.28125,
"daily_new_extend_rbp": 88150.21875,
"daily_new_extend_qap": 88150.2489709872

Daily Power Onboarding by Method


Sectors onboarded onto the Filecoin Network based on PreCommit and ProveCommit states during the last 24 hours.

Request URL

GET: /power/daily_power_onboarding_by_method

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.

The difference between end_date and start_date should be smaller than 90 days.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
pre_commit_sector_rbpNUMERICDaily PreCommitSector raw bytes power in PiB through single commit method.
pre_commit_sector_batch_sizeNUMERICDaily PreCommitSecorBatch raw bytes power in PiB through batch commit method.
prove_commit_sector_sizeNUMERICDaily ProveCommit raw bytes power in PiB through single commit method.
prove_commit_aggregate_sizeNUMERICDaily ProveCommitAggregate raw bytes power in PiB through aggregation.

Response Example

"request_id": "3c9078ba-dd89-4b0b-84ce-4035964eac3b#617",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"pre_commit_sector_rbp": 22.8249816894531,
"pre_commit_sector_batch_rbp": 2.02978515625,
"prove_commit_sector_rbp": 20.540283203125,
"prove_commit_sector_agg_rbp": 4.78314208984375

Daily Power Onboarding by Sector Size


Sectors onboarded onto the Filecoin Network based on sector size, during the last 24 hours.

Request URL

GET: /power/daily_power_onboarding_by_sector_size

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.

The difference between end_date and start_date should be smaller than 90 days.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
commit_rbp_32gibNUMERICProveCommit sector(32GiB) raw bytes power in bytes.
commit_qap_32gibNUMERICProveCommit sector(32GiB) quality-adjusted power in bytes.
commit_rbp_64gibNUMERICProveCommit sector(64GiB) raw bytes power in bytes.
commit_qap_64gibNUMERICProveCommit sector(64GiB) quality-adjusted power in bytes.

Response Example

"request_id": "3c9078ba-dd89-4b0b-84ce-4035964eac3b#617",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-07-01T00:00:00Z",
"commit_rbp_32gib": 22259131867987970,
"commit_qap_32gib": 28819681517947016,
"commit_rbp_64gib": 6252510310301696,
"commit_qap_64gib": 6640928820106764,

Sectors Scheduled Expiration


Reports the sector sizes and pledges of sectors that have historically been extended, expired or terminated, as well as sectors that are projected to expire in the future.

Request URL

GET: /power/sectors_schedule_expiration

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The earliest date that the API includes.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

interest_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded (including the future date where the result is predicted).
schedule_expire_bytesBIGINTThe total raw byte power (in bytes) of sectors scheduled to expire on the date of interest.
schedule_expire_bytes_qapDOUBLEThe total quality adjusted power (in bytes) of sectors scheduled to expire on the date of interest.
extended_bytesBIGINTThe total raw byte power (in bytes) of sectors that have been extended.
extended_bytes_qapDOUBLEThe total quality adjusted power (in bytes) of sectors that have been extended.
terminated_bytesBIGINTThe total raw byte power (in bytes) of sectors that have been terminated.
terminated_bytes_qapDOUBLEThe total quality adjusted power (in bytes) of sectors that have been terminated.
expired_bytesBIGINTThe total raw byte power (in bytes) of sectors that have expired or will potentially expire.
expired_bytes_qapDOUBLEThe total quality adjusted power (in bytes) of sectors that have expired or will potentially expire.
schedule_expire_pledgeNUMERICThe total initial pledge of sectors that have been scheduled to expire.
extended_pledgeNUMERICThe total initial pledge of sectors that have been extended.
terminated_pledgeNUMERICThe total initial pledge of sectors that have been terminated.
expired_pledgeNUMERICThe total initial pledge of sectors that have expired or will potentially expire.

Response Example

"request_id": "b403b94c-f5b0-4d55-a41e-d8b3686456f1#473269",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"interest_date": "2022-12-01T00:00:00Z",
"schedule_expire_bytes": 59437949330128896,
"schedule_expire_bytes_qap": 59438963742920600,
"extended_bytes": 36174310510952448,
"extended_bytes_qap": 36174310510952400,
"terminated_bytes": 1286497323974656,
"terminated_bytes_qap": 1286497323974660,
"expired_bytes": 36174310510952448,
"expired_bytes_qap": 36174310510952400,
"schedule_expire_pledge": 351437.763991308,
"extended_pledge": 204537.213040628,
"terminated_pledge": 7762.35876705795,
"expired_pledge": 144719.994261654