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Network User

Population information on the Filecoin Network’s various network users or participants.

Client Count


The number of storage clients on the Filecoin Network.

Request URL

GET: /network_user/client_count

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.

The difference between end_date and start_date should be smaller than 90 days.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
total_client_countBIGINTCumulative count of the storage clients that has had at least one deal.
total_verified_client_countBIGINTCumulative count of the storage clients that has had at least one verified deal.

Response Example

"request_id": "ba4422cc-734f-4d90-84ec-7ad0b3ef01e7#23703",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-12-13T00:00:00Z",
"total_client_count": 2196,
"total_verified_client_count": 1135

Address Count


The number of unique addresses that have interacted with the blockchain over time, classified by status and address balance.

Request URL

GET: /network_user/address_count

Request Parameters

start_dateSTRINGStart date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.
end_dateSTRINGEnd date of the selected period (Optional).2022-07-01The most recent date that the API includes.

The difference between end_date and start_date should be smaller than 90 days.

Request Examples

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
'authorization': 'Bearer <--Please replace your API key here-->'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Response Schema

stat_dateDATERefers to the date the data was recorded.
total_address_countBIGINTThe number of unique addresses ever created on Filecoin.
active_address_count_dailyBIGINTThe number of unique addresses that has interacted with the Filecoin blockchain at least once in the past 24 hours.
active_address_count_weeklyBIGINTThe number of unique addresses that has interacted with the Filecoin blockchain at least once in the past 7 days.
active_address_count_monthlyBIGINTThe number of unique addresses that has interacted with the Filecoin blockchain at least once in the past 30 days.
total_address_count_100BIGINTThe number of unique addresses on Filecoin with token balance >100 FIL.
total_address_count_1000BIGINTThe number of unique addresses on Filecoin with token balance >1,000 FIL (including addresses with token balance >100 FIL).
total_address_count_10000BIGINTThe number of unique addresses on Filecoin with token balance >10,000 FIL (including addresses with token balance >1,000 FIL).
total_address_count_100000BIGINTThe number of unique addresses on Filecoin with token balance >100,000 FIL (including addresses with token balance >10,000 FIL).
total_address_count_1000000BIGINTThe number of unique addresses on Filecoin with token balance >1,000,000 FIL (including addresses with token balance >100,000 FIL).

Response Example

"request_id": "ba4422cc-734f-4d90-84ec-7ad0b3ef01e7#23701",
"code": 0,
"message": "success.",
"data": [
"stat_date": "2022-12-01T00:00:00Z",
"total_address_count": 1981165,
"total_address_count_100": 58352,
"total_address_count_1000": 16556,
"total_address_count_10000": 4539,
"total_address_count_100000": 815,
"total_address_count_1000000": 52,
"active_address_count_daily": 8380,
"active_address_count_weekly": 20952,
"active_address_count_monthly": 56088